Contributions and benefits inspire some to acquire management positions, but effective leadership requires more than a job title. Roles and responsibilities in the workplace vary according to job industry and company needs. There are various levels and styles of leadership, but one common experience shared by many in management positions is stress. How can we minimize stress for smarter and simplified work performance? Is working to the point of exhaustion detrimental or essential for successful leadership? Let’s explore together!

Working long shifts and cutting on lunch breaks may seem like heroic acts for your team, but in reality you may be cheating out your potential and company success. According to the Statista – The Statistical Portal, workload and interpersonal relations are the main causes of occupational stress. Statista goes on to state, “More than one third of employees lose one hour or more per day in productivity, while almost one third miss between three and six days per year due to stress.” Eustress is a healthy form of stress that helps increase focus and productivity. Burnout on the other hand occurs when faced with numerous responsibilities, job expectations beyond our reach, issues with coworkers, multiple deadlines, and other factors leading to workplace stress. The good new is there are ways to work smarter and more simplified to help decrease stress and prevent burnout!

8-Stress-Reducing Tips to Prevent Burnout:

1. Take a break. 

Each day brings numerous demands and deadlines, but it’s crucial to take at least a 30-minute break when working long hours. Employers offer different break schedules depending on the number of hours worked each day. Use break times to disconnect from work-related activities. This provides an opportunity to step away from stressors, recharging the mind with more creativity and focus.

2. Don’t skip on meals. 

The brain requires glucose (sugar) for optimal concentration and mental performance. Skipping on meals can influence energy levels, concentration, and work performance as well as your overall health.

3. Get a 5 min breather. 

Some days can be more challenging than others. If you are having a stressful workday, take 5 minutes to breathe and calm yourself down. Ask your employer if you can take 5 minutes of breathing space. Something as simple as stepping outside for 5 minutes can make a difference in decreasing stress levels.

4. Plan your day in advance. 

Unexpected situations occur, yet we can establish workflow consistency by planning activities and tasks ahead of time. For instance, make a list of projects and responsibilities requiring top priority and accomplish these early during the day, listing less important tasks for the end of your workday. Some people also find it productive to schedule significant tasks during times of the day when his or her energy levels are at its peak. This allows for more proficient work and also contributes to effective time management.

5. Simplify your workload. 

Breakdown projects into manageable tasks to be accomplished throughout the workday, this can decrease stress when faced with multiple deadlines. Rather than focusing on the time crunch, gear your attention to a few tasks that must be completed on a timely fashion.

6. Delegate responsibilities. 

Allow other employees to assist you as much as possible. Sharing responsibilities with coworkers decreases workload and promotes teamwork and collaboration.

7. Communicate needs to higher authorities. 

If you’ve tried all the suggestions listed above and others, yet still feel overwhelmed with job responsibilities it may be time to discuss your concerns with a higher authority. Your boss can provide additional suggestions and strategies that can prove beneficial.

8. Allow for introspection and reflection. 

Take time to review your work habits, reflecting on areas that require improvement and change. This is not a time to judge yourself, but rather an opportunity for growth and mastering leadership skills. Reflection shares light into job situations and strategies to promote stress-reduction in the workplace.


There are numerous benefits to working with diverse teams of co-workers. Multi-cultural work environments bring forth positive attributes like creativity, new perspectives, unique solutions, and the influence of workplace culture. Working with individuals of different ethnic backgrounds may also present challenges and misunderstandings. In today’s multi-cultural society it’s crucial for employees to learn norms and expectations of other cultures. Embracing differences promotes staff and client relations, and also contributes to pleasant work environments.


1. Begin by researching common cultures in your work environment. There are interesting facts and suggestions to promote social skills on the job. Learning beliefs and behaviors brings understanding and improves communication among staff.

2. Speak to your supervisor about your interest. Leaders can direct you to resources, valuable information, and conduct meetings for the benefit of all employees.

3. Show curiosity in various cultures. For instance, if a staff member brings an ethnic dish to the holiday party you can ask about the ingredients, or if the dish is a typical ethnic food, etc. The idea is to welcome other cultures and to encourage individuals to share their ethnic backgrounds.

4. Communicate any misunderstandings with your supervisor before confronting an employee. Supervisors can share light on the situation providing information you may not have known. They can also speak to the employee about the issue giving your perspective in a professional manner. Be sure to follow-up with your supervisor to ensure matters have been resolved, and to discuss solutions. 

5. Be respectful of cultural differences. It’s rare to agree on all matters among people who share common backgrounds, let a lone when interacting with different cultures. Be mindful of other employee’s beliefs and ethnic norms. Keep in mind that embracing differences helps promote relationships and a better workplace.


Company figures are steadily rising with customer satisfaction at its prime. Your team of employees is comprised of the most qualified and diligent personnel in the field. Inspiring and acknowledging skilled workers is key for employee achievement and retention. Hiring competent workers is the start for business success, yet keeping a strong team of qualified employees requires sharp leadership skills and efforts.


1. Trust your employee’s creativity, skills, and work potential.

Leaders can welcome such skills by allowing flexibility and employee input in the workplace. Some examples include independent projects, input in company meetings, and allocating individual & team assignments.

2. Make tasks enjoyable.

Motivating employees in conducting tedious tasks can be challenging, but effective leaders can turn around mundane assignments into meaningful work. A leader’s attitude can shift employee perspective, and encourage a positive attitude in accomplishing daily tasks. 

3. Recognize employee diligence and work efforts.

Employee recognition programs and certifications are great ways of highlighting accomplishments and work performance. Other examples include verbal or written affirmations acknowledging the individual’s achievements and contributions to the company.

4. Provide an ethical work environment.

In today’s society most of our waking hours is occupied with work-related activities. Individuals in managerial positions can establish an ethical and respectful work setting for staff members. Leaders should also be prompt in addressing employee complaints and related issues concerning the work place. 

5. Allow for professional growth and job promotions.

The ability to advance in the corporate ladder is a great motivator for focused and dedicated employees. Assisting employees in goal setting stimulates work performance, encouraging achievements and professional growth.

6. Connect with employees throughout the year.

Holiday parties, events, company dinners, award ceremonies, and other special events are ways of associating with employees outside the work environment. Placing value in such events conveys a message of work cohesiveness, and invested leaders who care to connect with their employees.

7. Provide company incentives.

Incentives such as PTO, continuing education, bonuses, gift cards, holidays & sick days, annual review, employee-recognition programs, and employee raffles are company strategies that inspire employee motivation and longevity.

8. Be fair and compensate accordingly.

Companies can motivate workers by recompensing work-related necessities. For instance, if an employee is responsible for frequent presentations and work meetings, in addition to hourly pay the company can provide supplies needed and compensate for commute time. Work-related necessities vary depending on the line of business. Some examples include electronic devices, uniforms, special equipment, travel expenses, and others.


Are numerous job tasks and responsibilities drowning you in stress and worry? Chronic stress can lead to anxiety or depression with inadequate coping skills. Unexpected stressors are inevitable, yet how we handle circumstances makes all the difference. Keeping a positive attitude empowers people to take-on daily challenges with a new and refreshed mindset, welcoming change and opportunities.


1. Create Healthy Habits: Introduce activities that embrace relaxation, like walking in the park, smelling the ocean breeze, sipping a cup of tea, lighting candles, and introducing aromatherapy. You decide how often to do these activities and the times that are most beneficial. 

2. Stop Worrying: Put a stop to negative thoughts. This doesn’t mean your thoughts and concerns are not valid, but we can choose what thoughts to embrace and those to release. Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of The Stress Reduction Clinic in the University of Massachusetts, shares clinical studies and advice on powerful ways of handling stress. Dr. Kabat-Zinn gives an insightful metaphor in his book, Mindfulness for Beginners, stating that thoughts are like bubbles. He goes on to say how thoughts are just thoughts that arise and go. Many times we make thoughts to be “the reality” and make decisions based on these thoughts. The idea is to not entertain negative thoughts as the ultimate truth, but rather to see them as mere thoughts. 

3. Decrease Caffeine Intake: Aside from sodas and coffee, there are other products that are also caffeinated. Here are some examples of foods containing caffeine: dark chocolate, caffeine flavored ice cream, some gums, energy drinks, and certain teas. WebMd outlines highly caffeinated foods in their article, Caffeine Shockers: Products Surprisingly High in Caffeine.

4. Practice Relaxation Techniques:  Relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, stretching, breathing techniques, and tai chi are great ways to decrease stress and anxiety. WebMd has a great article titled, 10 Relaxation Techniques that Zap Stress Fast, that provides tips on ways to relax and reduce stress.  

5. Get Motivated: We can all use a positive perk during stressful situations or challenging times. Some ways to motivate yourself include: Printing a list of motivational quotes, listening to inspirational speakers, and reading self-help books. The key is to feel uplifted and inspired after listening or reading some of these materials.

6. Laugh a Little: The power of laughter is priceless! Think of something that brings you joy. Perhaps it’s a funny movie, a comedy show, or a speaker who brightens your dayLaughter is the Best Medicine, is a great resource article which outlines the health benefits of laughter. Next time stress levels rise, take a moment to think of something funny or joyful. A simple laugh can brighten your day.

7. Monitor Your Nutrition: During stressful times everything else seems more important than healthy food choices. This is not the case for everyone, but it is a common response when faced with many stressors. Keeping watch on your nutrition and health is crucial during stress, with decrease immune response making individuals more susceptible to illness. Incorporate small frequent meals that are rich in vitamin C, zinc, calcium, and protein. These ingredients help boost your immune system, maintain a healthy weight, and promote bone health. Carrying to-go snacks such as bananas, granola, peanuts, apples, and cereal, are great ways to preserve your energy, prevent fatigue, and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. 

8. Create a Schedule: Planning and scheduling activities helps with organizational skills and decreases stress. Try using calendars, planners, electronic scheduling devices, and alert systems. There are numerous tools that can be downloaded on electronic devices to help manage your busy schedule.

9.  Make a Priority to Sleep: High demands and responsibilities keep us busy doing things, thinking ahead, and planning. More often than not, sleep is not a priority until the point of mental or physical exhaustion, or both. This creates a cycle of energy depletion that contributes to even more stress. Plan activities that require less mental and physical energy in the evening and promote relaxation like reading, meditation, and knitting.

10. Do Something Fun: Make time to do something you enjoy each week. This can be a hobby, activity, event, or experience. The idea is to disconnect from daily stressors, while having something to look forward to each week.


Tip #1 Pinpoint problematic behaviors:

Take note of demands, insults, or other rude comments done by a colleague or team members at work. This information may come in handy if you need to schedule a meeting with a supervisor. Some challenging behaviors include arrogance, moodiness, jealousy, extreme competitiveness, rudeness, selfishness, demanding, derogatory statements, yelling, making fun of others, and mean comments.

Tip #2 Assess the situation:

Is it common for the individual to behave in this manner, or can they be having a bad day? It’s important not to take things personal if someone is having a hard day at work. On the other hand, some individuals like to complicate matters for everyone else. Ask yourself the following questions: Is this person simply having a difficult day? Are factors in his/her personal life triggering negative responses towards others at work?

Tip #3 Identify the problem:

Do you notice the same behaviors with other coworkers, or does it appear to be a personal issue? Perhaps this employee has a short fuse and gets upset easily. Other times employee frustrations result from the role of a particular individual(s) in the company. For example, if you were chosen for the manager position regardless of another employees seniority in the company. In this case, frustration is taken out on the individual for the position they hold, not for personal traits. If this employee were to be demoted, the problematic behaviors from the coworker would most likely dissipate. There are also employees, who don’t like individuals who hold leadership positions. Again, it’s not a personal issue, but rather a generalized attitude towards individuals who sustain managerial positions in the workforce.

Tip #4 Confront the problem:

Once you’ve taken time to identify the problem it’s important to confront the situation. Unresolved issues tend to worsen over time, partly related to assumptions and the buildup of negative emotions. If you find it safe to speak directly with the individual, do so with caution and in a professional manner. It’s best to involve a third party such as a manger or supervisor who can direct the situation and assist with problem-solving strategies.

Tip #5 Maintain a positive attitude:

Regardless of the final outcome keep a positive attitude. No one person is liked by all, meaning we will likely experience disapproval from another at some point in our lives. It’s advisable not to take another’s actions personal, but rather to focus on fulfilling your job role. Maintaining a professional relationship with coworkers is key for job fulfillment. Although it may be challenging to uphold a good attitude with difficult coworkers, it serves as a personal benefit and gratification to keep positive.

Tip #6 Stay professional:

Don’t lower your standards and professional conduct for anyone. Even if you are informed of others who are spreading rumors or gossiping about you, don’t fall into the trap. In time people will notice your character and those of problematic coworkers.

Tip #7 Uphold confidentiality:

Refrain from sharing your personal circumstance with other employees. Keep things private between the difficult employee and your supervisor. There is no need for others to get involved.

Tip #8 Show kindness:

Displaying kindness eventually offsets challenging behaviors. The challenging co-worker will realize that his/her tactics are simply not working. Even if the issue continues, your consideration will be evident to other coworkers who can serve as a support system and advocates if need arises.

Tip #9 Change your work environment:

If possible request a transfer to another department or office space. Some companies offer various work shifts, allowing for flexibility in work days and time. Other organizations have multiple locations permitting for employee transfers within the company.

Tip #10 Stay true to your character:

Regardless of another’s behavior, stand your ground and stay true to your character. Don’t hand your potential with the company to someone else. Interact as little as possible with problematic individuals. When assigned projects with such coworkers keep conversations to the point, stay polite, and be confident in your skills as a valuable employee to the company.