Contributions and benefits inspire some to acquire management positions, but effective leadership requires more than a job title. Roles and responsibilities in the workplace vary according to job industry and company needs. There are various levels and styles of leadership, but one common experience shared by many in management positions is stress. How can we minimize stress for smarter and simplified work performance? Is working to the point of exhaustion detrimental or essential for successful leadership? Let’s explore together!

Working long shifts and cutting on lunch breaks may seem like heroic acts for your team, but in reality you may be cheating out your potential and company success. According to the Statista – The Statistical Portal, workload and interpersonal relations are the main causes of occupational stress. Statista goes on to state, “More than one third of employees lose one hour or more per day in productivity, while almost one third miss between three and six days per year due to stress.” Eustress is a healthy form of stress that helps increase focus and productivity. Burnout on the other hand occurs when faced with numerous responsibilities, job expectations beyond our reach, issues with coworkers, multiple deadlines, and other factors leading to workplace stress. The good new is there are ways to work smarter and more simplified to help decrease stress and prevent burnout!

8-Stress-Reducing Tips to Prevent Burnout:

1. Take a break. 

Each day brings numerous demands and deadlines, but it’s crucial to take at least a 30-minute break when working long hours. Employers offer different break schedules depending on the number of hours worked each day. Use break times to disconnect from work-related activities. This provides an opportunity to step away from stressors, recharging the mind with more creativity and focus.

2. Don’t skip on meals. 

The brain requires glucose (sugar) for optimal concentration and mental performance. Skipping on meals can influence energy levels, concentration, and work performance as well as your overall health.

3. Get a 5 min breather. 

Some days can be more challenging than others. If you are having a stressful workday, take 5 minutes to breathe and calm yourself down. Ask your employer if you can take 5 minutes of breathing space. Something as simple as stepping outside for 5 minutes can make a difference in decreasing stress levels.

4. Plan your day in advance. 

Unexpected situations occur, yet we can establish workflow consistency by planning activities and tasks ahead of time. For instance, make a list of projects and responsibilities requiring top priority and accomplish these early during the day, listing less important tasks for the end of your workday. Some people also find it productive to schedule significant tasks during times of the day when his or her energy levels are at its peak. This allows for more proficient work and also contributes to effective time management.

5. Simplify your workload. 

Breakdown projects into manageable tasks to be accomplished throughout the workday, this can decrease stress when faced with multiple deadlines. Rather than focusing on the time crunch, gear your attention to a few tasks that must be completed on a timely fashion.

6. Delegate responsibilities. 

Allow other employees to assist you as much as possible. Sharing responsibilities with coworkers decreases workload and promotes teamwork and collaboration.

7. Communicate needs to higher authorities. 

If you’ve tried all the suggestions listed above and others, yet still feel overwhelmed with job responsibilities it may be time to discuss your concerns with a higher authority. Your boss can provide additional suggestions and strategies that can prove beneficial.

8. Allow for introspection and reflection. 

Take time to review your work habits, reflecting on areas that require improvement and change. This is not a time to judge yourself, but rather an opportunity for growth and mastering leadership skills. Reflection shares light into job situations and strategies to promote stress-reduction in the workplace.



You’ve invested years into the workforce and are now considering retirement. What factors drive some people to retire sooner or later in life? Is there a specific age-range that’s best to retire? Planning for retirement is unique for each individual’s situation and goals. Optimal timing for retirement depends on the person’s needs, aspirations, and financial position. It’s important to maintain flexible and open to new possibilities when planning for retirement. 


1. How many years have you been in the workforce? Social Security collects a portion of your employment income, accumulating funds for when ready to retire. Social Security provides detailed benefit information based on age, work history, and income. Applying for benefits is also possible on the Social Security website. According to AARP, the longer you wait to collect Social Security after age of 62 the greater the return. AARP comments further, “For each year you delay, your Social Security benefits will increase between 7 percent and 8 percent up to age 70, depending on your year of birth.”

2. Determine monthly income and monthly expenses. Jot down all sources of income and expenses for each month. This provides detailed information on financial obligations needed when considering retirement options.

3. Which sources of income will commence upon retiring and which will cease? List new sources of income such as Social Security, 401K’s or other retirement plans, savings, investments, and others. Also review income sources that will cease or decreases, and include updated financial figures to your retirement planning list.

4. It’s never too late to strategize for retirement. Regardless of age or work experience there are many options available. Seek assistance from a financial expert who can provide retirement options based on your goals and financial needs.

5. Working is still an option after retirement. Seeking employment after retiring is a choice for individuals who require extra income or enjoy working. There is a limit to the number of work hours allowed when receiving Social Security benefits. Consult with Social Security to make sure you’re keeping within their guidelines.

*All suggestions should be discussed with a professional who specializes in retirement prior to implanting any ideas discussed in this article. This article is only intended for informational purposes.



You invested numerous years studying the profession of your dreams and the time has arrived to launch your career. Seeking work in today’s competitive job market can be intimidating for new professional graduates. Your resume can be striking, yet presenting confidence when interviewing speaks volumes. Displaying self-assurance when seeking employment increases the likelihood of others confiding in your potential. Trust your individual skills and qualifications, building confidence on positive attributes you have to share with others.


1. List your qualifications, skills, and potential. Make a list of all the skills you posses that match the job description, and emphasize on these skills during your interview.  Highlighting potential abilities is also important as it shows desire for career growth and personal development.

2. Have assurance in your abilities. All the necessary educational requirements, training, research, and/or testing has been completed. Rather than focusing on the lack of work experience, concentrate on personal accomplishments that have lead you to this point. There is much you can share in your professional field!

3. Take this time as a learning experience. Transitioning from being a student to a professional can be nerve-wracking. It’s a time period of new roles, expectations, and responsibilities. Starting a career requires patience and self-acceptance, understanding experience comes with time and practice.

4. Request feedback from hiring managers after each interview. Receiving negative feedback is no fun, but sometimes necessary. Feedback allows for introspection and also helps build interviewing skills.



Financial stressors that trouble employees with today’s economic demands also weigh down on business owners. Businesses account for multiple expenses such as rent, taxes, insurances, employee benefit programs (retirement, health insurance, etc.), staff payroll, supplies, work equipment, marketing, and more. It can be challenging to hire top professionals with a tight budget, yet settling on staffing services may turn to be more costly than expected.

Qualified jobseekers are confident in what they can offer, and seek stable work opportunities with potential job growth. It can be alluring to cut on staffing services to save cost, but doing so cheats you from hand-selected workers who’ve been interviewed and screened by professional staffing agents. Filtering job candidates also takes time and efforts away from important matters that cannot be delegated to other business professionals or team members. Hiring qualified workers involves through interviewing, assessing employment history, drug screening, verifying references, training, and more. Investing in a trusted staffing agency, like KeyStaff Professionals removes the care of the entire hiring process so your leadership skills can be focused in areas that increase profitability and business growth.

Staffing services can save your business time and money. The expenses and training involved in hiring new staff can be detrimental when new employees fail to meet job responsibilities and company standards. In addition to screening resumes and handling the entire hiring process, KeyStaff Professionals learns your business and professional aspirations to ensure top candidates. Staff members are an essential component to business success. When hiring new employees it’s key to consider short-term and long-term investments, and the benefits of seeking services for optimal business outcomes. To learn more about our services and what makes us different from other staffing agencies.


Pursuing employment can be quite intense as jobseekers prepare to highlight occupational skills and potentials that supersede those of other applicants. The job search requires thorough preparation such as proper attire, anticipating interview questions, and doing researching on the company and/or leadership team. People with disabilities may face other challenges along with the normal stressors involved in seeking work. Unfortunately there are instances were employers stereotype people with disabilities, making it difficult for some individuals to find fulfilling jobs. As a result some people prefer not to share their disabilities for fear of humiliation or disqualifications of potential job openings. Sadly such individuals are deprived from the deserved opportunity to share his or her given potential in the workplace.

The United States Department of Labor defines The American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) as follows; “The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodation, communications, and governmental activities. The ADA also establishes requirements for telecommunications relay services.” Employers cannot discriminate when providing employee trainings, promotions, or benefits. Also, upon hire employers must provide suitable accommodations for people with disabilities to meet job requirements. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) advises jobseekers to determine if job duties can be performed with adequate employer accommodations when seeking employment. Doing so decreases the burden of applying to numerous jobs and ensures protection under the ADA.

The EEOC comments further on how the ADA defines disability noting:

To be protected under the ADA, you must have, have a record of, or be regarded as having a substantial, as opposed to a minor, impairment. A substantial impairment is one that significantly limits or restricts a major life activity such as hearing, seeing, speaking, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, caring for oneself, learning or working.


1. Research your employment rights. The EEOC and The United States Department of Labor offer resourceful information on ADA and related topics.

2. Partner with organizations in your area for employment opportunities and other available services for people with disabilities.

3. Focus on your strengths. We each have unique skills and abilities to share with others. Highlight individual skills and qualities that will be of positive contribution to the related job position. For instance: “I am excited to apply for the administrative assistance position. I feel confident in my potential to not only meet but also exceed company expectations. I am great with people skills and love to help others.” If the opportunity allows you can share your vision and potentials with the interviewer.

4. Work with a human resource or staffing personnel who can provide sound guidance and assistance throughout the hiring process. Staffing professionals are experienced in the field and can assist with resume tips and interview preparation. Human resource personnel can also suggest how, when, and to whom to address personal accommodations and disability questions.

5. Never feel inferior to other applicants. Career success is highly influenced by our mental attitude to follow through goals and aspirations with confidence. You know your individual strengths better than anyone else. Tap into your personal gifts and talents, seeking employment opportunities that align with your skills, abilities, and career goals.


Most of us have encountered personality clashes in the workplace at some point. We each have unique talents, skills, and positive attributes to share with others at work. Differences can foster creative strategies and team building, or in contrast create conflict when disparities are not handled appropriately. Tony Robbins comments on understanding how to manage a team with different personalities is a skill that’s relevant for managers and employees alike.

Tony shares his 4 main ideas around managing different personalities:

1. GET TO KNOW EACH PERSON ON YOUR TEAM: The more you understand each person you have on staff, the more efficient your team is. And make use of personality testing – a powerful tool for working with different personalities.

2. UNDERSTAND EACH ROLE IN YOUR COMPANY: Part of knowing how to manage a team with different personalities is knowing what strengths each role requires. If a team member’s role is client-facing, that person will need to have extroverted personality traits. If a role is heavily technical, that person will need to be a natural problem solver.

3. MODEL EMPATHETIC COMMUNICATION: Great leaders lead by example, especially when they’re mastering how to manage a team with different personalities. Demonstrate effective teamwork by tailoring your own communication to the person you’re interacting with.

4. BUILD A CORPORATE CULTURE OF RESPECT: When personality differences breed disrespectful behavior in the workplace, the results are toxic. A study of nearly 800 employees and managers across 17 industries found that when staff was treated poorly at work, 47% intentionally decreased the amount of time they spent on the job, 38% decreased the quality of their work and 78% reduced their company loyalty.

Dominant personalities tend to experience more conflict than other types, and often conflict with people who display steady behaviors. It can be challenging to work with individuals whose personality is very similar, or extremely different from your own. Yet, when co-workers come together and embrace each other’s strengths the results are astounding. Personality clashes are expected when operating in a team environment, yet the key is to remain open to new ideas and not allow differences to negatively impact employee relations. Effective results are often a collaboration of many great minds working together aside to their differences. Some personalities can be tougher to deal with than others, but with patience, understanding, and cooperation in part of employees optimal teamwork can be accomplished.


There are numerous benefits to working with diverse teams of co-workers. Multi-cultural work environments bring forth positive attributes like creativity, new perspectives, unique solutions, and the influence of workplace culture. Working with individuals of different ethnic backgrounds may also present challenges and misunderstandings. In today’s multi-cultural society it’s crucial for employees to learn norms and expectations of other cultures. Embracing differences promotes staff and client relations, and also contributes to pleasant work environments.


1. Begin by researching common cultures in your work environment. There are interesting facts and suggestions to promote social skills on the job. Learning beliefs and behaviors brings understanding and improves communication among staff.

2. Speak to your supervisor about your interest. Leaders can direct you to resources, valuable information, and conduct meetings for the benefit of all employees.

3. Show curiosity in various cultures. For instance, if a staff member brings an ethnic dish to the holiday party you can ask about the ingredients, or if the dish is a typical ethnic food, etc. The idea is to welcome other cultures and to encourage individuals to share their ethnic backgrounds.

4. Communicate any misunderstandings with your supervisor before confronting an employee. Supervisors can share light on the situation providing information you may not have known. They can also speak to the employee about the issue giving your perspective in a professional manner. Be sure to follow-up with your supervisor to ensure matters have been resolved, and to discuss solutions. 

5. Be respectful of cultural differences. It’s rare to agree on all matters among people who share common backgrounds, let a lone when interacting with different cultures. Be mindful of other employee’s beliefs and ethnic norms. Keep in mind that embracing differences helps promote relationships and a better workplace.


In today’s competitive job market it’s tough to shine amongst other qualified individuals. Many wonder why some employees with less education acquire higher positions, while others with higher education and better credentials are not promoted? This question puzzles many employees who have been in companies for years and see a new hire quickly going up the company ladder. There are ways to excel in your job regardless of credentials or level of experience. In this article we will review key factors to help you excel in any particular job setting.

Laurie Erdman author of Burnout: Identify It- Extinguish It. Ignite Your Life! writes, in The Huffington Post, three ways to excel at work. Erdman recommends the following:

1. Eat brain foods such as nuts, cold-water fish, spinach, and pumpkins seeds. These foods are a great source of healthy fats (polyunsaturated & monounsaturated) and low in hydrogenated fats.

2. Sleep is not for slackers, and a lack of sleep has shown to reduce productivity. She recommends 8 hours of sleep to prevent what she calls “survival mode” or just getting by at work. 

3.Lastly, she emphasizes on the practice of giving. Suggesting employees to go out of their way and do something nice for another co-worker. This concept of giving back to the company provides an opportunity for the individual to feel good about their performance, as well as increase their value in the company.

Healthy, energized, and giving employees are assets to any company. They bring positive ideas that burst creativity and business growth. Although today’s job market can be competitive and challenging, there are ways to shine and excel in your job!


If you are seeking stable employment in a company that offers career growth, then this is a must read for you! When looking for a job it’s important to interview and evaluate potential employers. Yes, the company is making an investment in hiring you, but you are also contributing time and energy into the company. In the like manner jobseekers should inquire about opportunities that enhance professional growth.

When seeking employment it’s key to determine your career goals and aspirations. If you are looking expand in your profession, then it’s crucial to communicate such aspirations with potential employers. Inquire about available job promotions as you gain seniority with the company. Doing so provides insight into professional ambitions and seriousness in growing with the company. Below are sample questions to consider when selecting jobs that offer growth potentials.


1. Are promotions available as I expand my skills on the job?

2. Is there growth potential in different departments of the company?

3. How often does the company evaluate employee performance?

4. If given the opportunity can employees expand in his or her job roles?

5. Can employees request transfers if a promotion is available at another location?

6. What are the requirements to be considered for a leadership position?

7. Is there a website were I can research your employee benefits and growth opportunities?


You’re ready for the job market with a professional resume on hand and a list of potential employers. Having an internal drive launches employment opportunities, yet for optimal possibilities preparation and planning is paramount. Why settle for the first job offer, when you can attain the position of your dreams? Landing the ideal occupation is reachable with determination and adequate career planning. 

Here is a 7-Step Action Plan to Landing Your Dream Job:

1. Join meet-ups, professional groups, and related organizations with topics and activities surrounding your occupational field. For example, if you’re seeking an educator position connect with other teachers, tutors, coaches, leaders, and speakers in groups and community meetings. 

2. Create a blueprint outlining your occupational goals for the upcoming weeks, months, and years. Mapping out short and long-term goals allows for adequate planning with a step-by-step approach in accomplishing each milestone. Don’t limit your creativity. Build a picture board, design a career graph, develop a career scrapbook, or start a professional portfolio. The idea is to inspire creativity, define goals, and develop attainable milestones to land your dream job.

3. Attend job fairs and career workshops in your area. Step into the work field examining opportunities, career demands, and job offers. Job fairs offer vast resources in addition to employment opportunities such as business networking, research, volunteer positions, invites to upcoming events, and more.

4. Take time to learn companies of interest. Learn the organization’s mission, history, purpose, and accomplishments. This offers valuable company data that can be shared during the interview process. Researching the company shows interest and seriousness in part of the job seeker, and also allows the individual to determine if this company is truly a good fit for his/her personal career goals.

5. Be open to the possibility of other related jobs. Certain milestones, work experience, and credentials may be required before the opportunity opens to land the job of your dreams. In such instances individuals can seek employment in related fields, serving as a springboard to other career goals. For instance, if you lack credentials for a management position search for employment opportunities that embrace like skills such as leadership, guidance, coordinating, directing, and other administrative roles.

6. Read journals, news articles, periodicals, magazines and other educational materials in your occupational niche.  Staying current with the latest technology and advances in your job field is crucial for employment and for optimal work performance. This is particularly important for individuals who have been out of the workforce for some time. The employee’s ability to stay relevant and well informed in the latest career and technological advances gains confidence with employers and other professional’s leaders.   

7. Connect with individuals who share common job interests and goals. Meeting others in work-related fields welcomes opportunities, potential jobs, promotions, career tips, and professional guidance.