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Most of us have encountered personality clashes in the workplace at some point. We each have unique talents, skills, and positive attributes to share with others at work. Differences can foster creative strategies and team building, or in contrast create conflict when disparities are not handled appropriately. Tony Robbins comments on understanding how to manage a team with different personalities is a skill that’s relevant for managers and employees alike.
Tony shares his 4 main ideas around managing different personalities:
1. GET TO KNOW EACH PERSON ON YOUR TEAM: The more you understand each person you have on staff, the more efficient your team is. And make use of personality testing – a powerful tool for working with different personalities.
2. UNDERSTAND EACH ROLE IN YOUR COMPANY: Part of knowing how to manage a team with different personalities is knowing what strengths each role requires. If a team member’s role is client-facing, that person will need to have extroverted personality traits. If a role is heavily technical, that person will need to be a natural problem solver.
3. MODEL EMPATHETIC COMMUNICATION: Great leaders lead by example, especially when they’re mastering how to manage a team with different personalities. Demonstrate effective teamwork by tailoring your own communication to the person you’re interacting with.
4. BUILD A CORPORATE CULTURE OF RESPECT: When personality differences breed disrespectful behavior in the workplace, the results are toxic. A study of nearly 800 employees and managers across 17 industries found that when staff was treated poorly at work, 47% intentionally decreased the amount of time they spent on the job, 38% decreased the quality of their work and 78% reduced their company loyalty.
Dominant personalities tend to experience more conflict than other types, and often conflict with people who display steady behaviors. It can be challenging to work with individuals whose personality is very similar, or extremely different from your own. Yet, when co-workers come together and embrace each other’s strengths the results are astounding. Personality clashes are expected when operating in a team environment, yet the key is to remain open to new ideas and not allow differences to negatively impact employee relations. Effective results are often a collaboration of many great minds working together aside to their differences. Some personalities can be tougher to deal with than others, but with patience, understanding, and cooperation in part of employees optimal teamwork can be accomplished.
Feed My Starving Children
Midwest Staffing Group and KeyStaff Professionals had an amazing night volunteering with the team at Feed My Starving Children! Together, we packed a whopping 10,152 meals. Every single one counts in making a difference! Feed My Starving Children is a Christian non-profit spreading hope through nutrition-packed meals for children globally. Proud to be a part of this impactful cause!